Fewer than 50 B-17 Flying Fortresses survive around the entire world today; all in different stages of condition and war inventory was parted out and melted down decades ago.
The vision of the B-17 Alliance is to restore a 70-year-old World War II bomber aircraft to airworthy condition is a costly investment. Unlike other restoration projects, like classic cars, replacement parts and components must be machined or manufactured from raw materials to precise factory specifications.
As shown in the diagram below, even with volunteer efforts and careful stewardship of funds, restoration costs have reached more than $500,000 in order to achieve all our current milestones to date. An estimated additional $8.5 million will be necessary to fully restore the B-17 Flying Fortress known as the Lacey Lady, construct a permanent museum, design and build a service hangar and storage hangar, develop traveling displays, and market our vision to the communities around Oregon.
Key areas of restoration focus include:
- Disassembling, cleaning, and inspecting all current parts
- Building steel fixtures and storage jigs
- Purchasing tools, materials, and restoration supplies
- Machining or manufacturing pars from raw materials
These key areas of restoration from our long-range vision are the most ambitious and expensive. We estimate approximately $5 million will be necessary to begin and complete these tasks as we embark on our current capital campaign to increase our visibility and accelerate our fundraising efforts.
With the proper funding, sponsors, and donations the Lacey Lady will return to the skies. To donate or inquire about sponsorship, please contact Terry Scott at 971-803-2428.

Join an Alliance of People Who Care
Honor the American spirit that brought us to Victory in WWII.
Join our mailing list to stay up to date on the restoration of the Lacey Lady, Veterans Coffee Club, museum updates, fundraising and outreach events including living history and visiting aircraft, and volunteer opportunities as well as first hand news about how you can help!
Together, we will return the Lacey Lady to the skies! Join an alliance who care!